Box Tops for Education
This fundraiser is now entirely app-based. One volunteer is needed to manage our Box Tops program and promote it to the school community.
Ditson Spiritwear
Our Ditson gear store is now entirely managed online. One volunteer is needed to manage the store.
Dine Out for the DSA/Family Nights Out
These are restaurants and other family venue locations that sponsor the DSA for the night. A portion of their proceeds for the night benefit the DSA. Volunteers are needed to brainstorm locations and reach out to those locations to schedule.
Yankee Doodle Parade
Our school marches in the annual Yankee Doodle Parade hosted by the town. Volunteers are needed to solicit a local business to supply the truck for kids to sit in, make posters and decorations for the truck/float, and walk with and supervise at the parade.
Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground
K families are invited to the kindergarten playground a weekday evening before the start of school to meet each other and the DSA board. Kids have popsicles and make new friends.
Welcome Back to School Party
Held on the Friday evening of the 1st week of school, we’ve had italian ices and music in front of the school to welcome everyone back.
Halloween Trunk or Treat
Kids are invited to trick or treat from stations set up around the outside of the school. There are decorations and prizes. Volunteers are needed to set-up, host trick or treat stations, and clean-up.
Holiday Fair
This event is held at the school on the 1st Saturday in December. There are games and crafts set-up in the cafeteria, and raffles and holiday shopping in the gym. There’s a bake sale and pizza sale in the lobby. Kids can shop and have their presents wrapped. Adults can browse some local vendors. Volunteers are needed for all aspects on this event. We need help getting and organizing donations, managing the stations on the day of, set-up and clean up.
Billerica Holiday Festival Tree
Each year we donate a decorated tree to the Billerica Holiday Festival at the Library. Two to three volunteers are needed to solicit and collect decorations and donated gifts, and then meet at the library in November to set-up the tree.
Family Bingo Night
This is a night of BINGO for the whole family, held at the Billerica Elks. BYO dinner and snacks. Cash bar. Volunteers organize and run the event.
Art Show
Families come and see their kids’ artwork on a weekday evening in April. The Art Teacher helps the kids choose their pieces to display in the cafeteria. The DSA helps to mount and label the artwork and set up the display in the cafe.
Talent Show
The DSA organizes a talent show in the spring for kids to show off their skills! Volunteers are needed to organize the event, including soliciting entries, organizing a rehearsal and the day-of event.
Scholastic Book Fair
This is a week-long in-school event where each class has an opportunity to visit the book fair and purchase books. This happens in April. Volunteers set-up, run and break down the book fair, and lots of day-of volunteers are needed to assist students in choosing and purchasing books.
Parents Night Out
This is a fun night out just for adults! Theme depends on the year. Past events have included musical Bingo and a comedy show. Volunteers are needed to organize, set-up and clean-up the event.
Family Picnic
The DSA organizes a picnic on the lawn in front of the school in the spring. Families bring food. The DSA organizes food trucks, and supplies music and games. Volunteers are needed to organize the event, reach out to food truck vendors, set up and clean up.
Fourth Grade Party/Yearbook
The DSA organizes our annual 4th grade celebration and designs and orders their yearbook. Commitment starts in the fall to design and publish the yearbook and then the committee plans and chaperones the party in June.
Field Day
This is the school’s big in-school end of year event for students. The entire school grounds are set up with games, crafts and other activities, including a show in the LGI room. Volunteers are needed for the planning phase, and for the day-of.
Fun Run
This is the DSA’s major fundraiser. Students walk/run 35 laps and family and friends sponsor them. Volunteers are needed to plan the event in the spring, and then organize and lead the kick-off, deliver prizes to the school, and then support students on the day of.
School Beautification (Clean-up and Planting)
The DSA organizes a spring clean up, and bed planting. Volunteers are needed to coordinate and do the planting.
Staff Appreciation Week
In May, the DSA celebrates school staff with treats, meals and fun! The main event is a breakfast and raffle on Friday, where volunteers cover classrooms while teachers get breakfast. Families donate raffle items and baked goods.